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Writer's picturealvin gitonga

Gozi malware 😈 mutates🤖 from bank account theft to initial access ☠️

Updated: Dec 16, 2022


From its humble beginnings, Gozi — Similarly to Emotet🤖 — grew into a multi-module, multi-purpose malicious platform, and many of the modern derivatives of Kuzmin’s original work are still being actively used in malicious campaigns as of 2021☠️ That’s 14 years of activity — several times the average lifespan of a malware brand😰

Also known as reambot, CRM, and SnifuRM3, ISFB, Ursnif, Dla, Gozi can be considered as a group of malware families which are based on the same malicious codebase🤭 Historically, it has been known as one of the most widely spread and longest-standing Banking Trojans with more than 14 years of activity😨

A new version of the Gozi malware😈 (a.k.a. Ursnif) emerged as a generic backdoor, stripped of its typical banking trojan functionality. These changes could indicate that the operators of the new version are focusing on distributing ransomware😭

Codenamed “LDR4,” the new variant was spotted on June 23, 2022, by researchers at incident response company Mandiant, who believe that it's being distributed by the same actors that maintained the RM3 version of the malware over the past years😥


The New Gozi campaign🤖

The Ursnif LDR4 variant is delivered via fake job offer emails containing a link to a website that impersonates a legitimate company. This tactic of posing as a job recruiters is not new for the Gozi gang, who has has used this strategy before.

Visitors of the malicious site are requested to solve a CAPTCHA challenge to download an Excel document with macro code that fetches the malware payload from a remote resource👇

👆The malicious Excel document used in the current campaign (Mandiant)

The LDR4 variant comes in DLL form (“loader.dll”) and is packed by portable executable crypters and signed with valid certificates👮‍♀️. This helps it evade detection from security tools on the system🥷

Mandiant’s analysts dissecting LDR4 noticed that all banking features have been removed 🦴 from the new Ursnif variant and its code has been cleaned and simplified.

Backdoor era🤖

Upon execution, the new Ursnif collects system service data from the Windows registry and generate a user and a system ID. Next, it connects to the command and control server using an RSA key available in the configuration file🧠 Then it attempts to retrieve a list of commands to execute on the host👇

👆POST request sent by Ursnif to the C2 server (Mandiant)

The commands supported by the LDR4 variant are the following👇

  • 👉 Load a DLL module into the current process

  • 👉 Retrieve the state of the cmd.exe reverse shell

  • 👉 Start the cmd.exe reverse shell

  • 👉 Stop the cmd.exe reverse shell

  • 👉 Restart the cmd.exe reverse shell

  • 👉 Run an arbitrary command

  • 👉 Terminate

The built-in command shell system that uses a remote IP address🤙 to establish a reverse shell isn’t new, but now it is embedded into the malware binary instead of using an additional module, as did the previous variants. The plugin system has also been eliminated, as the command to load a DLL module into the current process can extend the malware’s capabilities as needed👌

With the latest version, Gozi LDR4 operators😈 appear to have improved the code for a more specific task, that of an initial compromise tool that opens the door for other malware. Mandiant notes that ransomware operations is likely the direction the developers are heading to, as researchers identified on an underground hacker community a threat actor looking for partners😈 to distribute ransomware and the RM3 version of Ursnif/Gozi😥

Sourced: Bleepingcomputer


Conclusion 🤖

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